My Morning Seven

I am very list-oriented.  I don’t work off of a schedule but rather a routine and a to-do list.  My to-do list has four sections.  The first section is for the “morning”.  I want these things done by about 10 AM for the day to go smoothly. This is my bare bones must-be-done list.  If I have a special project going (i.e. painting!) or plan to be out of the house for the day I still need to get these things done.  When I was working outside the home I would get up early and try to accomplish these things before going to work.  Your list may look a bit different than mine so I highly recommend you make your own if you are struggling in this area.  It has been a huge help to me. My 7 steps to start the day right: 1. Bible Study: This is the third or fourth time I’ve participated in a Good Morning Girls Bible Study.  It has changed my life.  I NEED accountability and consistency to stick with it and the format of this study is perfect for that.  You get in your Bible every morning and fill out a small worksheet

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Tot School Break and Milestones: August

Kent was 13 months old in August. We didn’t do much for structured Tot School in August and September. We had a lot of fun and did random activities as they fit in. His physical development exploded in August! If you think you see disposable diapers in some of these pictures you’re right.  We had an issue with diaper rash that turned in to a staph infection so our doctor suggested we use a pack of disposables while he was healing.  It was so weird to use disposables, it felt completely wrong! How was your August?  Do you remember a certain time when your child’s development took a leap?  Are you a fellow cloth diaperin’ mama who was forced to use disposables at some point?  Tell me about it!

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Casual Saturday & Blogging

It is Saturday, right?  😉  With me home and Brian on four 10’s it gets a little confusing. Let’s see what’s new. I’m in the midst of painting our living room, to be followed by painting the kitchen.  I found my dream couch on craigslist yesterday so my Mom and Kent and I drove down last night and bought it.  This is one project that I hope I actually get around to posting pictures of.  The room transformation is pretty amazing.  I keep walking in there and just sitting down and looking at it.  Taking the time to pick the perfect paint color really paid off.  I love the way it looks. I finally finished canning applesauce only to be gifted with another box of tomatoes.  Our garden is still producing tomatoes, too.  We do need more pizza sauce yet so I just keep putting up as much as I can.  Our freezers are overflowing.  I need to update my freezer inventory and start cooking with more variety.  I did a menu plan this past week for the first time in a long time and that was time well spent. It’s a busy time on the farm.  We have more

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Paint Samples: Definitely Worth It!

Painting is not my favorite thing to do.  Not even close.  So, when I do paint a room I really want it to be done for awhile. I’ve decided it is finally time to paint over the hideous green color I picked for our kitchen and entryway 5 years ago.  I’ve been putting off because someday we will be renovating the whole kitchen anyway.  Realistically, though, that is probably 10 years away.  I can’t look at that color for 10 more years!!  When I picked it I wanted a nice country green – maybe sage is the word? – like my Mom had in her kitchen.  Instead… it looks like mint ice cream.  Seriously.  Yuck. This time I’m not taking any chances.  For less than $10 total I picked out three different colors of paint and had little samples mixed.  I bought mine at Menard’s.  The lady at the paint desk assured me it won’t really matter that the sample size paint is a different brand than what I will ultimately go with.  Likewise, I was able to pick from all of the paint chips and not just those available for that brand. I want gray this time.  Here are

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Chit Chat and Haircut

I think Saturdays may be a good day to do casual posts.  We’ll see.  The whole idea of jumping back in to blogging is appealing but I’m just taking it as it comes. Here’s me with my new haircut.  It looks lopsided in this pic but it’s not.  It’s so light compared to my long heavy ponytail.  When I get to the point where all I do is put my hair in a ponytail I know it’s time to change things up!! Tomorrow is my birthday.  We’re going out to dinner at our favorite place: Red Lobster!  I have a lot to celebrate this year with having Kent and eliminating debt.  I feel so blessed!  I’ll be turning 26. The farm is keeping us busy.  We’re forever expanding it seems like.  We’ve had to hire some occasional help to keep up.  We’re in talks with a restaurant about potentially supplying them with meat.  I am working on the zoning application for a little on-farm store where we can sell our meats by the cut.  I had hoped it would be done this month but it looks like that won’t happen. Kent is growing fast and thriving.  He is 14 months

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Details on our Debt Free Status

As I mentioned here, we became debt free except the mortgage on August 28th, 2012. You can follow our journey from the very beginning in Our Money Story.  We got serious about kicking the debt habit in October of 2009.  So, it took a lot of meandering along and then 3 years of pretty focused work to eliminate our line of credit for the farm, Brian’s truck loan, and my student loans.  Along the way we continued to cash flow our (big) farm expenses and paid cash for a semi, a dump trailer, two pickups, a loader tractor, and a new barn.  In the interest of full disclosure a couple of those things were purchased with an insurance check after our shed fire in 2009.  The rest, though, all came from our own efforts and God’s grace.  Over the last 3 years we have also expanded our farming operation extensively by growing our cattle herd and sheep flock and renting more acreage. As always, I’m being transparent here in the interest of encouraging you and spreading the word that it is possible to live without the constant pressure of bills.  There is no way we could have done this on

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