I was invited to collaborate with an awesome group of homeschooling mamas to bring you ideas for studying each letter of the alphabet…
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I have really weird, and usually scary, dreams several times a month. Brian says I’m crazy but I blame it on watching too much America’s Most Wanted as a child. Watching CSI in recent years probably doesn’t help either. Last night we went to the snowmobile races. Several of our friends were racing and it was a pretty good show. There were a couple wipe outs that made me cringe but no one got hurt. We got home around 11 PM. I let the dogs out right away but soon after I let them back in I heard our cat, Baxter, meowing frantically. He was outside on our front porch!! Now in the summer he does go in and out as he pleases but he hasn’t been outside since the first frost last fall and he never tries to get out when it is this cold. I still don’t understand how he got out. Brian insists that he must have darted out when we left and I hope he’s right. Our door was unlocked and I question whether someone stopped by but I still think they would have pretty much had to throw him outside to get him to go.
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