I was invited to collaborate with an awesome group of homeschooling mamas to bring you ideas for studying each letter of the alphabet…
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This is a topic that weighs on my mind from time to time and I was wondering what you all thought about it. Are you the type that sticks by your family no matter what, or do you treasure your friends more than your blood relatives? It’s no secret that Brian and I have had some challenging days in our lives, and who hasn’t? I’ve learned that sometimes on your hardest day it isn’t your family that comes to save you. Sometimes it is a neighbor you’ve never met before, like the strangers who stopped and helped Brian pull so many things out of our burning barn. Sometimes it’s the friends you don’t see often enough that call and take your mind off your troubles. I’ve seen some families stick by each other even after years of bad behavior and through lies, alcoholism, or other challenging times. Where do you draw the line? Do you always forgive and look the other way because he/she is your _____(aunt, father, son, etc.)? I personally have found so much value in my friends, and parts of my family, that I don’t see how blood changes things much. I’m not saying I don’t value
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