I am passionate about helping women do life. It is hard and we need each other! The content you see here is a labor of love. It has taken me over 12 years to compile it! To justify spending my time here, I may offer digital products for sale, allow advertisements on my pages and in my videos, and use affiliate links. I may occasionally be given a free or discounted product in exchange for an honest review. When that happens, it will be noted plainly on the review post.

If you know me, you know I am a Type A personality who researches EVERYTHING. Analysis paralysis is a real thing in my world. I am guilty of reading every single review of a product before I take a chance and try it. So, you can rest easy knowing that if I recommend a product on this blog I have probably used it and liked it, or at the very least have read up on it and feel confident it’s worth looking in to.

To reiterate, this blog participates in affiliate marketing and may include affiliate links on some of our pages. This means that we may earn a commission if/when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links – at no additional cost to you.

As a policy, we will only affiliate with products, services, coaches, consultants, and other experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.

We will inform you when one of the links constitutes an affiliate link, either with a disclosure notice at the top of the page/post or with a notice near the link. Ex: {ad}.

You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for your business and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by this blog but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.