How did you fair this winter? I am DONE with winter, DONE I say! It was rough.
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Weird/Bad Dreams
I have really weird, and usually scary, dreams several times a month. Brian says I’m crazy but I blame it on watching too much America’s Most Wanted as a child. Watching CSI in recent years probably doesn’t help either. Last night we went to the snowmobile races. Several of our friends were racing and it was a pretty good show. There were a couple wipe outs that made me cringe but no one got hurt. We got home around 11 PM. I let the dogs out right away but soon after I let them back in I heard our cat, Baxter, meowing frantically. He was outside on our front porch!! Now in the summer he does go in and out as he pleases but he hasn’t been outside since the first frost last fall and he never tries to get out when it is this cold. I still don’t understand how he got out. Brian insists that he must have darted out when we left and I hope he’s right. Our door was unlocked and I question whether someone stopped by but I still think they would have pretty much had to throw him outside to get him to go.
Continue readingOur Winter in Pictures!
I’m away from home at the Michigan Vet Conference this weekend. I want to get a post up but don’t feel like saying a lot so I thought it would be a good time to post some pictures. These are all from the last few months (some are from fall). I’ll take advantage of the hotel’s wireless and upload these now instead of fighting with my connection at home. Enjoy! Brian’s grader, our grain setup in the background. Our first batch of Seventh Generation TP, Maci apparently wanted it out of the box! The TP neatly stacked in the cabinet. We really like it BTW. Sam doesn’t help much when I’m sewing. Our Christmas tree with all western ornaments this year. It is hard to see but look close: you can see Maci’s paw about to clock Baxter upside the head, and him about to fight back. They box all the time! He crammed himself behind the printer to recuperate. And they’re friends again…usually not this cozy. This is from early fall. Brian built this calf shelter in one day. I had mixed feelings about treated lumber and decided it is better for us than replacing/rebuilding every few years. I
Continue readingRespect on the Road
It sure is time to cuddle up and settle in around here. We’ve had one blizzard after another and it is still snowing. Friday was so bad that a lot of businesses in town closed. The other girls at work left early and so did I. Blizzards like this affect our household a lot because Brian works for the road commission. That means that he came home at 10 PM on Friday, worked 7 AM – 3 PM on Saturday, and then 14 hours yesterday. Since he gets a lot of crap from people who think his job is so great, we’re quick to point out the downsides! When the phone rings he has to go, regardless of what he’s doing. He is allowed to decline, especially if he’s had a beer or is out of town, but he rarely ever does. I am hoping now that he worked all weekend that maybe he won’t get called on Christmas Eve. That is when my family’s big Christmas is and it would be a real bummer if he couldn’t go. The picture up above is Brian’s road grader. That is what he drives most of the time, pushing back snow from
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