County Fair Fun!…

These pictures aren’t the greatest but I wanted to share all the fun things that happened last week at our county fair!
The Ewes Have A Date…
Today we took our flock of 7 ewes and ewe lambs to meet their new boyfriends. We split them up over 3 different rams based on who would best compliment each one’s physical features. The stocky, big ewes went in with stylish, finer boned rams and vice versa. It made for a long day since […]
Well, We’re Back
Very long, but covers the last 2 days… So we did have a good vacation, it was just shorter than we wanted. We visited Shipshewana on Tuesday. It was nice but the flea market was mostly junk. I heard it is a lot better earlier in the season. The little shops were neat to visit. […]
Vacation: Rough Start
We worked and worked and stayed up late on Thursday so we could get out of here Friday morning. We planned to leave by “10 or 11” and pulled out of the driveway at 11:05. Typical! We left separately, me with the horse trailer and a ewe we were going to drop off at the […]
County Fair Fun!

These pictures aren’t the greatest but I wanted to share all the fun things that happened last week at our county fair!
More About That Sheep… Update
This is a continuation of yesterday’s post about a lamb we found dead. It might bore you but I thought some people might be interested in what we suspect to be the real cause of death, especially if you might raise sheep of your own someday. We happen to have a relief vet at work […]
Disturbing Find and Thinking Like A Farmer
***This post contains unpleasant details and is not for the weak.*** I had a very unpleasant surprise this morning as I made my rounds doing chores. I found one of our lambs – dead. She was the first lamb born on the farm. The cause of death was pretty obvious. She had prolapsed rectally, which […]
They’re chickens, not ducks!
So the chickens are drinking so much in this hot weather that we drug the hose right out there. Every few days we drag it back and fill the other animal’s big tanks. Tonight I went out and watered the chickens… then I came back up and we worked on the fence for about 3 […]
Notes About Sheep
This is kind of long but I want to share some of the things I’ve learned about raising sheep since acquiring my first two lambs about 15 months ago. I’ve tried to break it up by topic so you can find what you’re interested in. Right now I can sum up my feelings about sheep […]
The Lambs are Confused…
Apparently the lambs misunderstood how their feeder works. It is supposed to be a walk-thru feeder for people to walk-thru and dispense feed, not a walk-in feeder for little lambs to play in. They must have missed the memo about that.