I’ve mentioned before that I’d like to share some of the steps I’m taking to prepare for starting a family. While this may seem unrelated, one of the first things I’m doing is reevaluating my dental care routine. Why worry about my teeth now? According the the American Dental Hygienists’ Association an estimated 75% of Americans reportedly have some form of periodontal disease. Women with periodontal disease may be at three to five times greater risk of preterm birth than those who are periodontally healthy. Poor dental health has been linked again and again to cardiovascular disease due to the transmission of bacteria from the mouth through the bloodstream and the subsequent build up on the valves of the heart. Statistics aside, why else is this a good time to consider good dental care? Simply put, I want to teach my future children good dental habits. I want that twice a day brushing and flossing to come natural to them. I need to get in a better routine myself and the time to do it is not going to be when I am chasing after a toddler. Plus, pregnancy itself can affect dental health. Some women claim to have more
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