This week is going to be a crazy one for me I think. We have a different vet filling in at work and although she is very good and friendly she takes a looooonnnggg time with each client so I’m prepared to stay late most nights. I also have Thursday off instead of Monday so that throws a wrench in things. We’re taking the last of the colored rangers to be processed Tuesday night so Wednesday after work I’ll be busy bagging and weighing them. I promise a full review on the birds once they are all done. So here’s what we’re eating: Monday: Brats (for Brian) and a little steak (for me) on the grill, chips, watermelon Tuesday: Parmesan Baked Chicken, Baked seasoned potatoes Wednesday: Chicken sandwiches and fries Thursday: Homemade pizza and breadsticks Friday: Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, chips, watermelon Lunches will be mostly leftovers, yogurt with fresh, local berries, and sandwiches. For breakfast Brian likes eggs and I have muffins or toast. For dessert…well… we’ll see if I get to that this week! 🙂 What are you eating? What is your week going to be like?
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Poultry Update – Cattle Panel Shelter – Pics
Well, the eggmobile sits empty. Part of the reason we finished it when we did was because the rooster was getting so mean I could hardly get the eggs anymore. Once the birds were out on pasture I could easily gather them at least once a day. Sadly, the hens must have learned to eat their eggs during that week when I wasn’t collecting them very often. I first culled the rooster and one hen that I suspected as being the culprit. Unfortunately, the eating continued and we were forced to cull the remaining 5 hens. I am very glad that this happened with such a small flock and not the large one that I hope to have in the future. Lesson learned here: no matter what – get those eggs!! So, now we have around 121 chickens and no eggs! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to buy a few layers to get us by or just get our eggs from a friend for now. If I bring in new layers now I’ll have to mix them with the heritage breed flock when they start laying. If I don’t get any now then I’ll have to stop trying
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