Fake Mums? Realistic Looking Fall Flowers

In keeping with my farm girl lifestyle, I grow food. I’m a decent gardener… but I only grow things I can eat! I’m pretty clueless about flowers. My mama tried, but I just haven’t had much free time in my adult life (can’t imagine why!?) and growing pretty things hasn’t been a priority. I have enough other living things that count on me to keep them alive, lol. However, this year I splurged on hanging baskets for the front porch. I asked for the ones that were hardest to kill and required the least amount of watering. Whatever I ended up with did fairly well – and they REALLY brightened up the look of our front porch. So much so, in fact, that I started to wonder about mums. They look festive, but I really did fail at watering my summer baskets and mums are kind of expensive to buy if I’m just going to kill them right away. That led me to google “fake mums”. *This post may contain affiliate links that help support my content here.* I found some very realistic looking ones, but oh the price! In addition to not being able to kill my fall flowers,

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Get Your Pretty On Review: Summer & Fall

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that support the content here without costing you anything extra. I can’t believe it’s already almost officially winter! It has been a whole year since I first signed up for Get Your Pretty On. I already told you a little about the spring capsule, but I thought I’d do a review after the summer and fall outfits. If you have no idea what Get Your Pretty On is, check out my first post for a full explanation. What does it cost? I spent a fair amount of money on clothes for spring, in part because my mom wardrobe was mostly stained, ill-fitting, and just plain wore out. I spent some again in the summer to get shorts and cooler tops. However, I was pleasantly surprised that the fall and winter wardrobes called for *a lot* of the staples I had already purchased. For fall and now for winter, I’ve just been purchasing a few fun statement pieces that I expect to use for years to come. I even bought some new pieces of jewelry this time because I had more room in the budget. I usually skip most of the accessories. While the

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Homeschool Curriculum for a 7 Year Old Boy

It seems like the whole world is homeschooling right now! I get asked almost every day: what curriculum do you use? I’ve had some long chats with a few friends and then I realized it would make more sense to just post my list for you to browse through at your convenience. I’m still up for long chats though, so if you have questions please reach out. I love homeschooling and the word curriculum excites me, lol. Guess I’m a nerd! Today I’m kicking things of with my choice of homeschool curriculum for a 7 year old boy. If you don’t want to read all the details, skip to the bottom for a quick list and a video of what we’re using! Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links that give me a very small kickback if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my content by using my links, I appreciate it so much! To give you an idea of who these choices might suit, my 7 year old boy is reading but still sounds out a lot of words. In math, he’s proficient in addition and subtraction in to the thousands

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Homeschool Curriculum for a 9 Year Old Boy

It seems like the whole world is homeschooling right now! I get asked almost every day: what curriculum do you use? I’ve had some long chats with a few friends and then I realized it would make more sense to just post my list for you to browse through at your convenience. I’m still up for long chats though, so if you have questions please reach out. I love homeschooling and the word curriculum excites me, lol. Guess I’m a nerd! Today I’m kicking things of with my choice of homeschool curriculum for a 9 year old boy. If you don’t want to read all the details, skip to the bottom for a quick list and a video of what we’re using! Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links that give me a very small kickback if you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my content by using my links, I appreciate it so much! To give you an idea of who these choices might suit, my 9 year old boy is an advanced reader. In math, he’s proficient in addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations in to the ten thousands. He’s an oldest

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Get Your Pretty On Review from a Sweatpants Addict!

*Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. See my full disclosure policy for more about this. If you know me well, you probably already know that I’m not a big fan of getting dressed. I love to be comfy. I celebrate days that have nothing on the calendar with a fist punch and a lingering of pajamas. To me, that’s a valid perk of a work-at-home, homeschooling lifestyle. My husband even jokes about how I will survive the day if it’s one that requires me to put a bra on. Well friends, I think that’s actually changing. I’ve purposely waited about 3 months to tell you about this thing I was trying, because I wanted to make sure it was actually going to work. That fact is, it has worked better than I ever dreamed. Dave Ramsey revolutionized our finances and changed our lives. Mario Kondo and her Magic Art of Tidying Up changed the entire mood of our home. This is that level of awesomeness for myself, my wardrobe, my confidence, and my stress level surrounding clothes. I first heard about this program called Get Your Pretty On from Crystal Paine’s Your Blogging Mentor group. Several of the busy

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