Summer of Shapes: Square

Kent was 22 months old.

Trays clockwise from top left: playdough bin, sponge transferring, clothespin clipping, stacker pegs, form fitter, "A Square Can Be..." cards.
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Trays clockwise from top left: playdough bin, sponge transferring, clothespin clipping, stacker pegs, form fitter, “A Square Can Be…” cards.
I had fun with this one!  The dough is homemade and has kept for a couple months now in ziplocs.  This was the first week so I put in a cookie cutter, butter knife, and a laminated copy of the square road map.
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I had fun with this one! The dough is homemade and has kept for a couple months now in ziplocs. This was the first week so I put in a cookie cutter, rolling cutter, and a laminated copy of the square road map.
Transferring water between two bowls with a sponge.  This one was fun but be prepared for inevitable pouring!
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Transferring water between two bowls with a sponge. This one was fun but be prepared for inevitable pouring!
After seeing in circle week that holding the color wheel and clipping was too hard I cut the lip of a food container and gave him little clips to practice with.  Part way through the week I swapped out the small clips for regular sized ones.  They aren't that much harder to open and they are more sturdy and easier for him to grip.
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After seeing in circle week that holding the color wheel and clipping was too hard I cut the lip of a food container and gave him little clips to practice with. Part way through the week I swapped out the small clips for regular sized ones. They aren’t that much harder to open and they are more sturdy and easier for him to grip.
The stacker pegs turned in to a great toy for imaginative play.  Here he got our his pot set and was cooking some!
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The stacker pegs turned in to a great toy for imaginative play. Here he got our his pot set and cooked some!
The Form Fitter has been a hit, we return to it at every age.  One side opens so last year he learned to dump the pieces out and put them back in through the door.  Now he can put some of the simple shapes through their holes.  It is pretty tricky even for me because some of the pieces look very similar.
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The Form Fitter has been a hit, we return to it at every age. One side opens so last year he learned to dump the pieces out and put them back in through the door. Now he can put some of the simple shapes through their holes. It is pretty tricky even for me because some of the pieces look very similar.
Another new addition: an art bin.  Each week I put in supplies for a few themed crafts.
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Another new addition: an art bin. Each week I put in supplies for a few themed crafts.
Our felt board and different sized squares.
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Our felt board and different sized squares.
This is significant - around this time he started focusing on smaller, specific areas instead of mindlessly scrawling all over the page.
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This is significant – around this time he started focusing on smaller, specific areas instead of mindlessly scrawling all over the page.
His gears were a Christmas gift from Daddy.  They are accessible all the time.  He can put them on pretty well now.
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His gears were a Christmas gift from Daddy. They are accessible all the time. He can put them on pretty well now.
We love our magnadoodle!  The shape stampers are perfect for introduce the shapes and going over their names.  I also write out each shape name and sound it out for him a few times each week.
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We love our magnadoodle! The shape stampers are perfect for introduce the shapes and going over their names. I also write out each shape name and sound it out for him a few times each week.
Practical life: practice carrying a tray.  He can almost always get them out and put them away without spilling now.
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Practical life: practice carrying a tray. He can almost always get them out and put them away without spilling now.
He was excited to have more pegs to stack and be able to go higher.
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He was excited to have more pegs to stack and be able to go higher.
Just a smile to brighten your week. :)
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Just a smile to brighten your week. 🙂

I’d rather get these posts up without links than not at all.  If you want more information on any of the toys or printables you see just comment and I’ll try to get back to you.

Do you remember learning about shapes as a child?

This post is linked to:
Tot School Gathering Place
Montessori Monday
Preschool & Kindergarten Community

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  1. Beautiful thanks for share your lifestyle with us.When God is in control of a family his bless is priceless

  2. This is great! Especially the smile at the end 🙂 Fo you leave the grid of trays out all the time, meaning, on a given day does he chose which he wants to do or do you put them out day by day? Thanks, love this blog 🙂

    1. Our setup is not my ideal one. His trays are in our living room and accessible all day. I put them all out on Sunday afternoon and leave them there all week. We have a designated school time where I present new trays and/or encourage him to choose one to work on. Sometimes he will get a favorite tray out again later, or I’ll suggest it again later in the day if we are looking for something to do. And sometimes he will randomly scatter a tray’s contents on the floor, but that is pretty rare now. For the most part, though, our routine doesn’t leave us much extra time and he uses his free time to play with his favorite activities that are always out (tractors, kitchen, and few random toys). Hope this gives you some food for thought!

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