Well, the eggmobile sits empty. Part of the reason we finished it when we did was because the rooster was getting so mean I could hardly get the eggs anymore. Once the birds were out on pasture I could easily gather them at least once a day. Sadly, the hens must have learned to eat their eggs during that week when I wasn’t collecting them very often. I first culled the rooster and one hen that I suspected as being the culprit. Unfortunately, the eating continued and we were forced to cull the remaining 5 hens. I am very glad that this happened with such a small flock and not the large one that I hope to have in the future. Lesson learned here: no matter what – get those eggs!!
So, now we have around 121 chickens and no eggs! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to buy a few layers to get us by or just get our eggs from a friend for now. If I bring in new layers now I’ll have to mix them with the heritage breed flock when they start laying. If I don’t get any now then I’ll have to stop trying to build a future client base by handing out free eggs.
The heritage birds moved from our basement to a small brooder in the garage to the old laying flocks quarters in the garage. The colored rangers went directly from the basement to the laying flock quarters then to the cattle panel shelter just in time for the heritage birds to follow. We could have turned one of the two brooding lights off by now except two of the colored rangers have developed pretty nasty sores on their tails so I have them in the small brooder as sort of a hospital pen. The one with the worst sore died this morning, I’m hoping the other pulls through.
How are your birds doing? Have you ever tried pasture raised chicken? I am so excited to taste it, although I am really worried about preparing it and working with whole chicken since that will be new to me.
So glad I can live vicariously through your chickens!
BTW- Just posted part II of our love story. Enjoy 🙂
I love all these pictures. Thanks for sharing. I wish we could have chickens…but I think I already complained about that!
The colored rangers are the same breed as the freedom rangers people talk so excitedly about aren't they? I'm anxious to know how they work out for you, as we've considered them as well. Your setup looks great, and I cannot wait to hear how you enjoy your own free range chicken and turkey, I just know you'll love it!! 🙂
FD – Not for long! 😉 They're almost chicken dinner.
Julie – Don't worry, I'll keep posting pics for you.
Ang – Yes they are the same as freedom rangers. I'll post a final review when they are done and in the freezer. So far, I couldn't be happier with them. They are hardy, vigorous, and still very friendly. They seem to eat a bit less the last two days since it has been warmer but are managing very well otherwise. I'm so excited to be able to add an almost unlimited supply of chicken to our daily menu options.