Pickle Farming – Part 1

Yesterday I was lucky enough to head out to the beach with a friend for the first part of the day. My fiance, Brian, was working for our friends that grow pickles so when I got home I decided to go ride in the semi with him. He was driving a semi with doubles behind it. That means it has 2 separate trailers behind it. The whole rig from front bumper to rear hitch is 70′ long. The set of 2 trailers is also known as “trains”. They aren’t too hard to drive but they are very tricky to back up. Brian drove the same setup for 4 years at an excavating company so he does great with them. I’m so proud of him! 🙂 Anyway, enough bragging, on to the story of pickles… Pickle farmers try to schedule their planting so that they know exactly what day the pickles will be ready to harvest. If it is 90 degrees and humid out the pickles can grow very fast. They can be too small to pick in the morning and too big to pick at night. Our friends had a 30 acre field ready to be picked on Saturday and

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Green Baby Shower Gift Basket

Okay I have a million new things (okay maybe a dozen) to post about. The majority of our wedding invitations are mailed out so I can start to relax again and get out of lurker mode. For those of you who don’t know we are getting married August 23, 2008. I graduated from college the first week of June and took my board exams a couple weeks later. Then I started working full time and planning the wedding! All I ask is that for those of you who do read this blog please hold on a little longer. I plan to revamp the design here when I get a chance. Originally I wanted this blog to center around the farm and what Brian & I do as a couple. Now that I am finding more and more great blogs that I enjoy reading I think I am going to change the angle here to be more from just my point of view and discuss the things that I feel are important. Of course the farm happenings will still be incorporated since they are a huge, wonderful part of my life. Anyway, I enjoy learning and reading more about how to

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