After interning Friday and Saturday and picking up an afternoon shift driving carriages on Sunday, I was very ready for Monday to arrive. It seems kind of sad to me that more people don’t recognize what Memorial Day is really about. I am proud of my relatives that fought for this country and when we have kids I want to take time and explain to them how important that is. This year we didn’t do anything special and like of lot of other people we took advantage of an extra day off to get a lot done around the farm. Here is a before picture of a little spot on our sideyard. There are a few big pine trees along with some large rocks and our Centennial Farm sign sits right in front, facing the road. Our garden ends just a few feet to the left of this picture. I needed a good place to plant my raspberry bushes and since this area needed a little sprucing up I decided to “kill two birds with one stone”. We don’t have any hedge trimmers (I added them to the wedding registry list 😉 ) so I used a hand saw and
Continue readingMonth: May 2008
Gooseberries and Currants
I’ll just make a quick update here before I have to leave. On Mother’s Day I went with my Mom to a nursery and purchased about $120 worth of plants. Here is a breakdown of what I got: 2 Gooseberry bushes ($8 each) 2 Black Currant bushes ($8 each) 3 Red Heritage Raspberry bushes ($4.50 each) 2 Himrod Green Seedless Grapevines ($6.75 each) 1 Bartlett Pear tree ($22) 1 Harold Pear tree ($22) 1 Dozen Red Seed Potatoes ($1.83) 25 Earliglow Strawberries ($11) 25 Jewell Strawberries ($11) So far I have only planted the Gooseberries and Black Currants. Both thrive in a colder, shader area and can stand up to a North wind so I planted them on the North end of our shop. I mulched them heavily and they seem to be doing well so far. I’m waiting to plant the pear trees until we pull a few stumps around the yard to make more room. Hopefully I can get everything else in this weekend! The plan is to use edible plants as much as possible thoroughout our landscaping. I just am not motivated to work on plants that I can’t eat! I’ll have more on this later…
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